Monday, December 10, 2007

LIS Web Resources

The librarians at the Library and Information Science Library at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has compiled a diverse list of LIS resources. Topics range from “general” to “acronym” to “research and publishing in LIS.” The list may be somewhat overwhelming to someone newly entering librarianship, but it does include many useful resources—both helpful and humorous.

One of the site's more humorous resources is its collection of library quotation web sites—which includes a link to the Laughing Librarian. The Laughing Librarian collects quotations from a variety of sources, including historical literature, academic articles, and television. As the semester comes to a close, perhaps the following adages will lighten your mood as well as your workload.

"Are all librarians this much trouble?"

--Stephen Sommers, from The Mummy

"I really didn't realize the librarians were, you know, such a dangerous group. ... You think they're just sitting at the desk, all quiet and everything. They're like plotting the revolution, man. I wouldn't mess with them. You know, they've had their budgets cut. They're paid nothing. Books are falling apart. The libraries are just like the ass end of everything, right?"

--Michael Moore

Monday, November 19, 2007

Thanksgiving Hours

SLIS Library hours Thanksgiving week:

Monday-Wednesday: normal hours
Thursday-Friday: Closed
Saturday-Sunday: 12pm-5pm

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Return of the Workshops!

The SLIS Library will present the Second Life and Javascript workshops a second time in November. If you missed a workshop the first time, come to the second presentation. If you came to the workshop the first time, come to the second presentation anyway—we only get better with practice! Second Life will be in the SLIS Commons, and Javascript will be in the SLIS Computer Lab.

Second Life
Tuesday, November 13th
SLIS Commons

Thursday, November 15th
SLIS Computer Lab

Monday, October 22, 2007

UW Libraries want your feedback - take our survey

The Subject Guide Working Group would like patron feedback about subject and research guides. Please take this short quiz to help your library provide better service for the entire campus.

Take the Survey!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Second Life Demo 10/8/07

Virtual Worlds: Second Life
Monday, October 8
12-1pm, SLIS Commons
Bring your lunch!

Second Life has been in the news recently, including in the library world. But what is Second Life and why should you care about it? Second Life may look like any other computer game, but in reality it is a virtual world with endless possibilities. Come join Nate Johnson and Becky Yoose as they shed light on Second Life and how SLIS can take advantage of the opportunities presented by this virtual world. This presentation will also have a live demo of Second Life!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Your Print Reserves

A list of the print reserves for each SLIS class is now
available at the circulation desk and on the OPAC table.
Our print reserves are arranged according to their
Cutter number, which is in bold for each item listed.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Everything is miscellaneous

Join us for a Book Discussion!
Everything is miscellaneous: the power of the new digital disorder

by David Weinberger

Friday, Sep. 21, 2007
12:00 pm
SLIS Library

Everyone is talking about this book!

Karen Schneider, on the ALA Techsource blog: "This is, I repeat, a dangerous book. Ban it, burn it, or take it to heart. The most dangerous part of this book is not that Weinberger says these things, and so much more: the danger comes if we don't listen."

Chris Anderson, editor in chief of Wired: "The world is messy, like it or not, and it's only going to get messier as the Web destroys rules and rule-makers. You can either complain about the chaos and wish for the good old days of order, or you can buy this book and understand why delirious disorder will soon make us all smarter."

SLIS Library has copies on 3-day reserve. Check it out, and join in the discussion!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

SLIS Library Volunteers Sing & Read

SLIS Library volunteers

Last Tuesday SLIS Library volunteers visited the Allied Drive Learning Center to read aloud to Kindergarten and 1st grade students. The central theme was "music & rhythm." One volunteer lead the group in an orchestra song, "Via Via Violaaaaaa" and another brought Emily, a red-haired puppet to convince the whole group to sing, "Read a Book!"

The group enjoyed interacting with these books.
  • What DO Teachers DO (After YOU Leave School)? by Anne Bowen
  • Thump, Thump, Rat-a-Tat-Tat by Gene Baer
  • Max Found Two Sticks by Brian Pinkney
This coming Tuesday, the Map Library volunteers will go to Allied Drive to read books about camping. If you are interested in coming along or learning more about the Allied Drive Story Time, please contact Elissa.
epurvis at wisc . edu

Friday, July 6, 2007

New Website

If you are reading this, you've probably noticed that the SLIS Laboratory Library website looks a "little" different. Welcome to our new website! We have reorganized and added new features to the website to better serve you. One of those features is our new Meebo IM widget. During library hours, desk staff will be available to answer any questions you might have. We have also added a new category- LIS Professional Resources. Here you can find lists for LIS conferences, LIS job websites, and (my favorite) RSS feeds from a select group of LIS blogs covering a range of topics from general news (LISNews) to technology (LibrarianInBlack) to cataloging (025.431). Have a look around and tell us what you think!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A Fair(y) Use Tale

Prof. Eric Faden and his students at Bucknell University have produced a video overview of copyright law and fair use using clips from the goliath of copyright, Disney:

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

"The Hollywood Librarian" Trailer

"The Hollywood Librarian: A Look at Librarians through Film" a documentary film by local research librarian and filmmaker Ann Seidl now has a trailer up on YouTube. Among others the trailer includes SLIS graduates, Pat Lawton and Rhea Lawson. Take a look and listen! If you're going to ALA Annual in DC, plan to be at the premier on Friday evening.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

SLIS Library Silent Auction Starts April 13

Guess what? It's SILENT AUCTION TIME!!!

April 15th kicks off National Library Week, and the Friends of the SLIS Laboratory Library are once again holding the annual Silent Auction to help raise funds for the Laboratory Library. You can do your part to help us improve the library by donating unique items and services to the
auction and bidding on the things donated by others!

Want to bid?
Bidding will begin in the SLIS Laboratory Library on Friday, April 13th and will continue throughout National Library Week. Bidding will end at 5:30pm on Thursday, April 19th.

More information is available at the SLIS Lab Library Circulation Desk. We've had great results with the auction in the past, and we can't wait to see the fabulous donations you come up with this year! Thanks again for your support!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Spring Break Hours

Spring Break Hours: March 31 - April 8

Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 3:00pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed

Please notice the library is closed the weekends before and after the Spring Break week.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Toni Samek on Freedom to Read

Toni is a former SLIS Library employee as well as a doctoral graduate.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

SLIS Pancake Breakfast Pictures 2007

The pictures might take a while to load, but we had so much fun at the pancake breakfast that we thought you should see them all. This gallery is a sneak preview of our upcoming SLIS Library picture gallery. Check back soon, because their will be more and faster-loading photo galleries soon!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Please take this brief survey if you are using our Library Web site

The Library Web Site Team has developed a Web Survey to help them ascertain who uses Campus Library web sites and what they use the Web sites for. The survey is constructed to be very, very brief - patrons that do not wish to add their own comments can complete the survey in well under one minute.You are highly encouraged to offer feedback.

The link URL is

Friday, February 9, 2007

Hollywood Librarian Documentary

The Hollywood Librarian will premiere Friday evening, June 22, 2007, at ALA annual! You want to be there. Until then, check out happenings, including audio from Ann Seidl, the filmmaker:

Monday, January 29, 2007

New Yorker article on Google digitization project

Toobin, Jeffrey. Google's Moon Shot: The quest for the universal
library. The New Yorker. February 5, 2007.

Thanks to Bernie Sloan on JESSE.

Despite the date, the article doesn't mention that UW has joined the project. But the content, especially given the context of The New Yorker, is of interest.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Second Life Library 2.0

Second Life is a virtual world inhabited by avatars that are played by real people. It is similar to some popular online video games like World of Warcraft and City of Heroes, but there are no real objectives or finalized purpose to the game. Users are referred to as residents and the game itself is played by socializing with other characters, spending money, creating virtual property, and engaging in community activities. The software to play the game is free, and characters can be created at no cost. Second Life software is supported for PC, Mac, and Linux operating systems.

Second Life has recently become popular amongst librarians, and there are currently several communities that have evolved around libraries within the game. Several real world librarians have started giving information literacy classes and poster presentations through the Second Life interface, and there is plenty of speculation about what else could be done via the virtual world. A great place to start exploring Second Life is at the Second Life Library.

Monday, January 8, 2007