Wednesday, February 20, 2008


If you have been sitting on the comfy couch or chair near the windows, you've probably noticed our zine collection. However, perhaps you haven't had a closer look to see what was all there. The SLIS Library has now posted the contents of the Library Workers Zine Collection online. See for yourself what zines are all about and how they relate to libraries and librarians. Also check out the Featured Zine Section where we review a title from our collection. The first featured zine, The Journal of Books & Wenches, covers the exciting, dangerous, and fast paced world of UW-Madison SLIS. Check out the zines page and have fun!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Workshop Saturday

If you haven't heard already, February 16th is Workshop Saturday! We have a very full slate of workshops to present to all of you, taking up both the Computer Lab and Cat Lab:

Cat Lab Schedule

10-10:45 Podcasting
11-11:45 Copyright Basics
12-1 Lunch
1-2:45 Resume Swap (2- 1 hour sessions)
3-3:45 Impromptu Group Management

Computer Lab Schedule

10-10:45 Working with Wikipedia
11-11:45 Readers' Advisory Tools
12-1 Lunch
1-1:45 Excel Basics
2-2:45 MyWebSpace/Learn@UW Refresher
3-3:45 Bloglines for Job Hunting

Descriptions of these workshops are at the front desk of the SLIS library. You can also email me at yoose AT wisc DOT edu if you wish to receive an electronic copy. We hope to see you February 16th!