Monday, August 1, 2011

What does it take to be a professional librarian?

Blogger Mr. Library Dude shares his insight into what makes a professional librarian in this post:
"I graduated from a top library school." Yeah, so what?

His basic premise? 
"Library school is what you make of it. The MLS is just the basic requirement for the job. If all you do is take the required courses, but get no work experience, then you are setting yourself up for failure."
 So what can you do to make sure you succeed, according to Mr. Library Dude?  Get experience!  As much as you can during your degree-- put those skills you learn in class to work right away so that you have working librarians as references and real experience to prove you're right for  the job.

Most SLIS students see the wealth of campus library jobs as the program's main strength-- take advantage of it!