If you're like many SLISers, you may be looking at a long list of desired skills on a job application and thinking, "Gosh, if only I had experience with [technology-related item here]." Sigh no more, my friends.
DoIT recently purchased a subscription for the UW community to Lynda.com, which contains more than 1,200 self-paced online courses and more than 50,000 individual tutorials. Courses cover everything from Drupal to Photoshop to XML and range from 45 minutes to several hours.
Signing up is easy. So easy, in fact, that it's already done. If you have a UW Madison NetID, all you need to do is click on this link, and then log in using your NetID. From there, you can search by subject (photography, video, business, design) or by specific software (CSS, iMovie, Microsoft Access). Or, if you're feeling adventurous, browse the "latest releases":
Once you've found interesting courses, watch them immediately or add them to your queue. Each course has a detailed outline so you can get an idea of what's being covered or you can skip to the part you need. There are also exercise files to try out your skills and a transcript in case you want to go back to look.