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Everything is miscellaneous: the power of the new digital disorder
by David Weinberger
Friday, Sep. 21, 2007
12:00 pm
SLIS Library
Everyone is talking about this book!
Karen Schneider, on the ALA Techsource blog: "This is, I repeat, a dangerous book. Ban it, burn it, or take it to heart. The most dangerous part of this book is not that Weinberger says these things, and so much more: the danger comes if we don't listen."
Chris Anderson, editor in chief of Wired: "The world is messy, like it or not, and it's only going to get messier as the Web destroys rules and rule-makers. You can either complain about the chaos and wish for the good old days of order, or you can buy this book and understand why delirious disorder will soon make us all smarter."
SLIS Library has copies on 3-day reserve. Check it out, and join in the discussion!