Monday, October 29, 2012

Extra, Extra! New Zine Titles Available!

As some of you may already know, the SLIS Library collects Zines, small, self published magazines about, by, or for librarians and libraries.

Currently the library  has a collection of over 25 zines. However, due to their somewhat lack of consistent release dates, zines can be difficult to follow. The SLIS Library has come up with a solution: from now on, you can walk through the Zine collection and any time you see the green call out, like the one in the picture below, you will know that this Zine has been in the library for less than thirty days. Stop by and check them out!

Do you know of any Zines by, about, or for librarians and libraries that you think the SLIS Library should collect? Let us know about it! E-mail us the title and/or how to find it at

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