Sunday, April 17, 2011

An interesting question for future librarians - McMastergate!

Anyone who has an RSS feed to librarian blogs is probably aware of the comments made by Jeff Trzeciak, a librarian at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada.  Trzeciak gave an invited presentation at Penn State.  Though the organizers of the program instructed Trzciak to be controversial, they may not have predicted the reaction of the blog-o-sphere to his comments.

What were these controversial statements?  Basically, Trzeciak said that he would no longer hire librarians for his organization, instead hiring PhDs and IT specialists.  You can watch the presentation here.  You can then read through some of the myriad responses, so graciously compiled by John Dupuis, of Confessions of a Science Librarian.

As new librarians hoping to enter the job market in the near future, how do we feel about Trzeciak's statements?  What about our knowledge and expertise sets us apart from other researchers?  How can we justify our training for our positions?

1 comment:

chobbs said...

How do we *feel*? Or what do we *think*?